How to Fasten up a WordPress site?

7 Tips for Improving WordPress Site Speed & Load Time


4 min read

Website speed plays a critical role in the success of a website and business revenue. According to the report, the websites that take more than two seconds to load result in a 47% increase in bounce rate. It is a huge loss when it comes to online businesses and websites.

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In addition, Google also reported that websites having low speed and poor performance are removed from the search engine results page (SERP). This means that speed is a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). Therefore, WordPress site owners should always give importance to website speed for both SEO and business reasons.

7 Tips to fasten up a WordPress site

Luckily we have different tips and tricks to tackle the speed issues and fasten up the WordPress site. For ease and convenience, we have shared some effective points you can follow in this regard.

A good hosting provider

The most crucial task is to choose a good hosting in Pakistan. It seems fine to get a shared hosting plan offering unlimited bandwidth, disc space, and quality services. But the reality is different. Shared hosting is not enough to serve quality uptime during peak hours. Because the same server is shared among different websites. Therefore, it is recommended to pick quality hosting plans such as dedicated hosting or cloud hosting. is a reliable web hosting provider that ensures that your website runs smoothly.

WordPress Theme

Choosing a lightweight theme is good for website speed. It will load quickly and viewers will be able to see the attractive display of your website. Therefore, always choose a lightweight theme. You can choose default themes or other WordPress-optimized themes for better working of the website.

Appropriate plugins

Avoid useless and excessive plugins as it reduces the speed of the website. Use a caching plugin with an advanced mechanism for website speed optimization. Various plugins are developed to fasten up the website site. Just go for it.

Image size

Image size also plays a critical role in the speed optimization of the website. So, whenever you use any image or upload any picture on your website make sure that the image is compressed. Various image size reducing websites are available online that makes the task easy.

Unwanted data

The WordPress database also includes unwanted websites that disturb the speed of the website. At a specific time, you should remove the unwanted data from WordPress and optimize the website speed.

GZIP compression

Likewise, compressing files on the computer. You can also compress the website online. So, when the visitor reaches the website, the browser will ask to unzip the website, and then it will be viewed by the viewer. Thus, it will reduce the use of bandwidth and fasten the website.

Content Delivery Networks

The location of the viewer and server also impacts the speed of the website. The more the distance between the server and visitor, the more will be the time taken by the website to load. To overcome this issue, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) are also helpful in the speed optimization of the website.

It keeps the website in different datacenters and various countries. It minimizes the site loading time by serving the website to the viewer from the server nearest to the viewer’s location. Thus, it improves the site speed. One of the most commonly used CDNs is Cloudflare. Check it now.

How to check the website speed?

Following all the above-mentioned tips and tricks, you will be able to optimize your website speed. You can check the website speed using various online tools. A free tool is available from Google by the name of PageSpeed Insight. It describes the issues and helps you identify the problem. Moreover, GtMetrix and many other free online website speed checking tools can be used in this regard.


Website speed optimization is the trending topic and first preference of bloggers and website owners. Different tricks can be adapted to fasten the site speed. Such as, using a lightweight theme, deleting the unwanted data on WordPress, removing useless plugins, compressing the uploaded images, using CDN, and speed optimization plugins. You would have an optimized and better-performing website later on.